Smart Logistics

Empowering Banks with a platform to plan, track & perform a range of cash and cheque collection and delivery operations effectively.

Automated platform to handle all collection & delivery operations of cash/ cheque without manual errors.

Instant Agency Bill Generation and Reconciliations of data to avoid discrepancies.

Analysis of missed collections and pickups across a large number of agency collection points.

Win over your challenges with SmartLogistics

A full fledged solution for banks to effectively manage cash/cheque pickup and delivery across geographies and customer segment and provide billing, reconciliation for multiple pickup agencies and provide improved Turn Around Time in the operations.

Integrated SmartLogistic Suite


smartlogistic features

Key Features

  • Auto emailing, SMS generation & Letter generation for important events
  • Instant Data Analysis
  • Bill Generation & reconciliation
  • Generate MIS reports and maintain audit trail.
  • Integration with legacy systems of the Bank.

Prime Functionalities

  • Agency track and management
  • Pickup & Delivery management
  • Cash order and deposit management
  • Daily Missed Pick-up Analysis.
  • Daily matching of agency MIS.
smartlogistic prime
smartlogistic prime

Prime Functionalities

  • Agency track and management
  • Pickup & Delivery management
  • Cash order and deposit management
  • Daily Missed Pick-up Analysis.
  • Daily matching of agency MIS.


  • Deactivation Report
  • Day End Report
  • Vendor Billing Report


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Improved TAT & complete security

Invoice accuracy & reduced audit trails

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Elimination of cumbersome manual reconciliations

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Easy monitoring of Cash/Cheque pickup and delivery

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Improved data analysis across agencies leading to detection of income leakages.

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