Smart Wealth

Digitization of Wealth Management to enable Financial Distributors to work seamlessly, efficiently & service their clients

Banks & financial institutions are automating to scale wealth management distribution business with ease, accuracy and reduced TCO

Wealth Management platform supporting multi-asset classes such as mutual fund, SGB, Fixed income/Debts/NCD etc.

Financial planning of clients to define goals considering risk profiling & track it.

Single Dashboard client view to give snapshot of his/her wealth.

Onboarding of customers is moving from costly paper trails to digitized solution.

Multiple digital channels :Invest through customer portal, handheld devices, Call center, RM assisted channels

Win over your challenges with SmartWealth

SmartWealth is an end-to-end Wealth Management Software offering that handles multiple asset classes. It offers seamless back office, front office & customer interface. Supports multi-asset classes like a mutual fund, alternative products like PMS, AIF, SP, Bonds, SGB, Fixed income/Debts/NCD etc.
SmartWealth enables interactive service delivery to customers, provide real-time processing with enhanced functionalities, and can scale significantly.

Integrated SmartWealth Suite


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Customer Portal

  • Instant digital onboarding of customer with eKYC & risk profiling
  • Comprehensive multi-asset portfolio dashboard & alerts
  • Digital goal planning, execution & tracking
  • Support for handheld devices/Responsive Designs
  • Robo assisted fund selection

Advisor/RM/Sub-broker portal

  • Comprehensive RM/Advisor dashboard & reports
  • Comprehensive customer portfolio with analytics
  • RM assisted customer onboarding, financial planning, transaction execution & scheduling of reports/alerts
  • Prospect & campaign management
  • RM targets & incentive management
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Advisor/RM/Sub-broker portal

  • Comprehensive RM/Advisor dashboard & reports
  • Comprehensive customer portfolio with analytics
  • RM assisted customer onboarding, financial planning, transaction execution & scheduling of reports/alerts
  • Prospect & campaign management
  • RM targets & incentive management
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Operations Portal

  • Customer categories supported are Individual, Minor, HUF, NRI, and Corporates
  • Supported Account hierarchy – Family, Individual, Account level
  • Dashboard for Risk Profiling, Goal Planning & Tracking Reports
  • Integration with various data service providers & existing core systems like DMS, core banking & others
  • Rule based revenue calculation (Upfront, Annualized, Trail, Incentive & Claw-back) & reconciliation
  • Seamless order processing & reverse feed via interfacing to RTA, BSE Star & other providers
  • Customer Portfolio Returns Calculation
  • Comprehensive/customizable report module

Business MIS

  • Asset Under Management Reports
  • Mobilization report
  • Income Reports
  • Active Systematic reports
  • YTD, MTD business reports
  • Zone wise business reports

Business MIS

  • Asset Under Management Reports
  • Mobilization report
  • Income Reports
  • Active Systematic reports
  • YTD, MTD business reports
  • Zone wise business reports


Winsoft Technologies Wealth Management Benefits

Leading banks and financial institutions have implemented SmartWealth over last years

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Scalable solution with extensible functionality

Frees up time to invest in relationships


Seamless interface integrates with core banking and 3rd party systems


Cross-sell and up-sell products and services easily

Increase opportunities for revenue generation

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Enhance advisor productivity

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Best in class revenue calculation

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Minimize TCO (total cost of ownership)

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